Matt Horrigan
Lie Down Into the smallest pieces:the smallest pieces,atoms;these are theeasiest toram together.I am perfect. Sort them.A grade.B grade.C grade.D grade.D grade.A grade.A grade.A grade.A grade.A grade.A gradeis betteris betteris better, goddamn, how itis better, look how Iam better, smart and are(LOOK AT ME!) -ticulateyou looking? Looking? Doesn't matter Iinternalized it. internalized. lize. You wanted it, you wanted me to, you wanted itto look like I wasYou wanted what? I wanted realbig respect you wanted, I can atomize what you respect, youwanted nothing buthapp-enstance I wished you couldfeel just enough of discontented.I am perfect, big. Look up. Look up. I made a list. Lookup, up, up, up, up AAH! up. Big, up, look, backdown, sit: down, lie down, liedown lie. Down.Lie. Down, lie.Lie. Down.Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie (clickety) clicketyclick click ck. lie. lie. lie. lie. lie. lie. lie.lie. lie. lie.clickety click clickclick click ck ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. ck. msftn am to fall as you are totired of speaking as you-rself as they is watching patient-s wait it (down) there were two options and swimming was the preferred. to sleep as to drby ppsing ndthmtheme: morosenessessity ((to serendip) (m too myopiam to caterpillar as you are toaim to please as you aim tohimynameis whatwillGodaccomplishtodays afterwards the radiation had st ill - spring.out.Chrysalis.migrationfrost, wind, star-vation and flapping was the preferred. Matt Horrigan is a writer, composer and spoken-word artist based in Vancouver, BC. His poems have appeared in Poetry Quarterly, ditch,, The Veg, Steps, Radix (Montreal) and Read This! Dammit (Montreal), among other places.